Ready, Set, Sold!
Five Tips To Get The Best Price For Your Horse Farm
By Debbie Meighan
Selling a horse farm is a lot like selling a horse -- you’re not going to get $100,000 for a horse when the photo shows him grazing in the pasture with a fly mask on and covered in mud. First impressions matter.
Here are my tips to make the first impression of your horse farm spark desire and make buyers want to open their wallets and write a big check.
Overseed your pastures and fertilize. The best time to seed is fall but spring will work in a pinch. Not only is this a good idea for your horse’s nutrition, it keeps erosion and mud at bay. Nothing is prettier than lush, green paddocks in a listing photo.
Sometimes I think horses are part beaver, and while the chewing or cribbing (gasp!) might be part of day to day farm life—when your farm is for sale, buyers don’t want to see a lot of projects out in the fields. Make sure your fencing is in good shape and painted to put your property’s best hoof forward.
3) “Weed” out the barn clutter. Time to take a good hard look around the barn and clean out that aisle. Maybe 5,478 bits aren’t necessary every day. I’m a tack hoarder like any other horse person, but when your farm is for sale, box up or sell anything you don’t need on a regular basis.
4) Pest Control.
Hey, I know it’s a barn but buyers don’t want to see rodent damage or droppings when they are viewing a property. If you let it go too far, the next thing you’ll see are snakes -- and I can tell you nothing kills a sale faster than buyers seeing snakes. Keep your barn clean, and get a pest control company to do a pre-market evaluation to address Carpenter Bees or other wood-destroying insect damage.
5) Get Organized.
Make a list of all the features of your farm, especially the things that aren’t readily apparent to a buyer. Have a fly spray system in the barn? Heat lamps in the wash stall? Heated floor in the tack room? Make a list -- even the best buyer’s agents in the world won’t know all the fantastic and time-saving features your farm has unless you let them know about it.
When selling a horse farm, having good-looking grass and fences in good repair are essential. Unfortunately, these are two of the most difficult things to accomplish with horses. Easier tasks are tidying your tack room, and getting rid of clutter.
Debbie Meighan is a lifelong equestrian and licensed Realtor with
Washington Fine Properties specializing in Country Properties and Horse Farms.